
Writing Your Wedding Vows

William Shakespeare you're not. The only thing you've ever written is a grocery list, but now you're getting married and you'd really like to write your own wedding vows. You could use some pointers.

If you are thinking about writing your own vows, be sure that your religion, church, or officiate will allow you to do so. Once you have approval, give yourself plenty of time to write your vows. Jot down movie lines, song lyrics or poetry that you like. Think about what made you fall in love with the person and what your dreams are for the future together. Recount a special story or memory about the time you have spent together. Take all of your notes and sit down and compose a draft.

Try to keep your vows simple. That way, you can remember them easily when the time comes. Be positive and avoid cliches. Consult a
book of wedding vows, if needed. After you have composed an initial draft, read it to several friends or family members and get their feedback. Give a copy of your vows to your future spouse and make sure that what you have written is in accord with what they have written. Make changes as needed and double-check with the officiate that what you have written is appropriate.

Once you have polished your vows, practice reciting them. Can you say them without crying? A few tears are appropriate, but a teary outburst will make reciting them difficult and could prove to be embarrassing. Invite some friends over and recite your vows to them. Speak slowly and clearly and make sure that they can understand you. Practice your delivery again and again, but don't rely solely on your memory. Carry a copy of your vows with you and don't be afraid to refer to it at the ceremony if needed. There is no shame in being nervous and forgetting your vows.

Writing vows can be difficult. fortunately, there are numerous wedding books out there to help you. Don't be afraid to use them. So, you aren't William Shakespeare, but then again, the person you're marrying isn't Shakespeare either, are they?

If you need help writing your vows, Click here to check out some great books!

Until Next Time!

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Source Bridal Guide~Turley Publications